Authors & Delegates – 2023



A.A. Abbott
Kia Abdullah
Cathy Ace
Nick Adams
Andreas Alambritis
Anita Alden
Amen Alonge
Andrew Argyle
Sharon Arkell
Katherine Armstrong
Dianne Ascroft
Frank Barrett
Jess Barrett
Graham Bartlett
David Beckler
Mette Berg
J.C. Bernthal
Nia Beynon
Mark Billingham
D.V. Bishop
Maria Bivins-Smith
Cara Black
Jessamy Bloom
Lesley Bloom
Charlotte Bratt
David Brawn
Simon Brett
Vic Britton
Gaynor Brooke
Chris Brookmyre
Amanda Brown
Kate Lord Brown
Lyn Brown
Martin Brown
Alison Bruce
James Buckler
Anne Buist
Jessica Bull
Paul Burke
Sheran Burn
David Burnell
Jared Cade
Jo Callaghan
Steph Carey
Danielle Carvalho
Annette Caseley
Clair Chadwick
Rafe Chadwick
Elizabeth Chakrabarty
Faye Chamberlain
A.A. Chaudhuri
Champak Chauhan
Lynda Checkley
Fliss Chester
Sue Chick
Andrew Child
L.M. Chilton
Mary Andrea Clarke
Janette Clucas
Stephen Cocks
Tammy Cohen
Stephen Collier
Tana Collins
Gavin Collinson
Dawn Connor
Matt Coot
Nikki Copleston
Roger Corke
Jane Corry
Sandra Cosfeld
Harriet Crawley
Heather Critchlow
Mason Cross
Kirsty Crowther
Douglas Cruzan
Tricia Cunningham
Chris Curran
Jonathan Dancer
Tracy Darnton
Maud Davies
Megan Davis
Neil Daws
Mark Dawson
Judi Daykin
Chris Deacon-Jones
Pat Deacon-Jones
Will Dean
Jenny Debley
James Delargy
Candy Denman
Jo Dickinson
Gail Doggett
Emma Dowson
Teresa Driscoll
Rosemary Dun
Jenny Dunbar
Antony Dunford
Sabine Durrant
Paul Durston
Madeline Dyer
Kirsty Eastham
Kez Eaton
Stephen Edger / M.A. Hunter
Jonathan Edwards
Martin Edwards
Ruth Edwards
Kate Ellis
Louise Ellis
Mark Ellis
Caroline England (aka C.E. Rose)
Pascal Engman
Gianna Faccenda
Jayne Farnworth
Alison Farrell
Barry Faulkner
Jen Faulkner
Eilis Field
Helen Fields
Paul Finch
Trish Finnegan
Dianne Fishman
Ian Fishman
Heather Fitt
Laura Fletcher

Barry Forshaw
Judith Forshaw
Christine Foster
Nev Fountain
Felix Francis
Jo Furniss
Mark Galvin
Guy Gardner
David Gatward
Susan Gee
Jon Gifford
Paul Gitsha
Ava Glass
Victoria Goodbody
Sophie Goodfellow
Dolores Gordon-Smith
Felicity Gorham
Jess Grant
C.S. Green
Corinne Greenwood
Elly Griffiths
Peter Guttridge
Emma Grundy Haigh
Emylia Hall
Janice Hallett
Emma Hamilton
Lesley Hart
Laurel Hendrickson
Jo Hesslewood
David Hicks
Danny Higgins
Tom Hill
Tom Hindle
Jamie Hodder-Williams
Fiona Holbrook
Sam Holland/ Louisa Scarr
Jasmine Honey
Kate Hordern
David J. Howe
Samantha Lee Howe
Christopher Huang
Kate Hurst
François von Hurter
Maxim Jakubowski
Jen James
David Jamieson
Lisa Jewell
Antony Johnston
Barbara Johnson
Adele Jordan
Jackie Kabler
Liz Kalaugher
Lesley Kara
Ali Karim
Sara Keane
Valerie Keogh
Vaseem Khan
T.E. Kinsey
Angus Knowles-Cutler
Michael Kurland
Ieva Lakute
Jake Lamar
Neil Lancaster
John Lawton
Pam Lecky
M.J. Lee
Jónína Leósdóttir
Andy Levett
Mike Linane
John Lincoln
Chris Lloyd
Kirstie Long
Sue Lord
Adam Low
Penelope Lynch
Pippa Macallister
Sian MacArthur
Bonnie MacBird
Ann Mackinolty
Gilly Macmillan
Trevor Magee
Andrew Malone
Louise Mangos
Becci Mansell
Lucy Martin
Andy Mason
Ian Mason
Pauline Mason
Trudy Mason
Linda Mather
Nadine Matheson
Andrew Maxwell
Alison May
Luke McCallin
Chris McDonald
Daniel McGrath
Kieran McGrath
Rachel McLean
Karen Meek
Margaret Menzies
Rebecca Millar
Cara Miller
Karen Millie-James
Bex Mills
Ion Mills
Lou Minns
Karen Minto
Liz Mistry
Rachael Mitchell
Jason Monaghan
Nicola Monaghan
Donna Moore
Jan Moore
Donna Morfett
Guy Morpuss
Claire Morrison
James D Mortain
Adrian Muller
Eleanor Muller
Gabriel Muller
Jennifer Muller
Tina Orr Munro
Andrew H. Murray
Orlando Murrin

Keshini Naidoo
Leonora Nattrass
R.D. Nixon
Lauren North
Liz Nugent
Alison O’Leary
Ayo Onatade
Stella Oni
B.A. Paris
Dea Parkin
Adele Parks
Fiona Pascoe
D.J. Paterson
Nell Pattison
Teresa Pearce
Ali J. Penny
David Penny
Mary Perkins
Heidi Perks
Jenny Phelps
Chris Pitsillides
Brian Price
Lawrence Proctor
Rae Radford
Caroline Raeburn
Caro Ramsay
Sarah Reed
Richard Reynolds
Sally Reynolds
Kate Rhodes
Roger Rhomson
Jonathan Richards
Steve Richards
Hannah Richell
Michael Ridpath
Lizzy Riley
Mike Ripley
L.F. Robertson
Hilary Robinson
Ksenija Romanova
Martin Rosenbaum
Jennifer Ross
Nicola Rossi
Lynn Rostron
Leigh Russell
Emily Ruston
Barry Ryan
Pete Savage
Vanessa Savage
Michaela Scheda
Ron Scherman
Victoria Selman
Chris Seymour
Zoë Sharp
Alex Shaw
Rik Shepherd
Kim Sherwood
Camilla Shestopal
Abi Silver
Kate Simants
Lesley Simpson
John Sirett
Lizzie Sirett
Dave Sivers
Rachel Slatter
Eve Smith
Fiona Veitch Smith
Annie Smyth
Rebecca Stevens
Richard Stokes
Alex Stone
Mike Stotter
Linda Stratmann
Gary Stratmann
Emma Styles
Andrew Subramaniam
Tim Sullivan
Jack Sutherland
John Sutherland
Sophie Swainger
Tasha Sylva
Lizzie Syrett
Victoria Tait
Tania Tay
C.L. Taylor
Karen Taylor
Teri Terry
Tracy Thomas
Nicki Thornton
Robert Thorogood
Rebecca Timms
Paul Tokarski
Louise Torm
Simon Toyne
Michael Stanley (Stanley Trollip)
Joanne Turner
Kris Ujejski
Asim Waheed
Bridget Walsh
Keith Walters
Rachel Ward
Sarah Ward
Jay Warton
Roz Watkins
Gillian Watson
Margot Weale
David Heska Wanbli Weiden
Kate Poels/Wells
D.E. White
Catherine Whitmore
Jason Whittle
Anne Williams
David Williams
Gwenllian Williams
Melissa Williams-Pope
Nicola Williams
S.W. Williams
Linda Wilson
Prof. Michael Wilson
Catherine Yaffe
Stephen Young
Ovidia Yu
Edith Zeitlberger


Authors must be registered for a full CrimeFest pass to qualify for a panel slot and must be published in print in the English language by a UK based commercial publisher.

Authors attending CrimeFest from abroad will be offered two panels. The organisers aim—but cannot guarantee—to offer debut authors two panels.

Translated authors commercially published in print in the UK and in the English language are welcome and are eligible for panels. (Please contact the CrimeFest organisers first if a translator might be required.)

Authors will be offered a place on one or more panels anytime between Thursday and Sunday afternoon (9-12 May, 2024).

Authors with recent publications (June 2023/July 2024) receive priority, but the aim is to give everyone at least one panel. Where possible, authors with two panels will be scheduled on consecutive days.

Panel suggestions are welcome but cannot be guaranteed to be used in the programme.

For more information on moderating, visit the Moderator’s Manifesto.